Why? Good Question...

Because WE CAN! Since the first cave was sold by our early ancestors (actually the 1950's) it seems that the 6% commission model has been the standard in real estate sales.  But real estate was a whole different ball game back then.  We have phones in our pocket now! We can market a home to 5,000 people with the push of a button!  Our processes have become much more streamlined and we can market homes to a large audience with a lot less effort... not to mention a lot less MOOLA!

So why haven't YOU seen the savings?!? Because nobody in real estate wanted to rock the boat.  Well, guess what? FlatAZ is rocking...hard.  We decided to throw out the old model and UP THE GAME! We're gonna give you everything a traditional agent offers, but we're gonna do it better and charge you less!  That's the FlatAZ way!


Who Are We?

We're real, local, real estate professionals doing real work for a really good price! We're a team of battle scarred real estate agents, marketing gurus and administrative warriors.  Most importantly though, we're a family, operated by family, working for you and your family! We care about what we do and the people we represent.  That's who we are!